
Behind every statistic is a child, a family, a community. . . a tragedy

At least 12 young sudden cardiac deaths happen every week in the UK – but our Government doesn’t understand either the true figure or the impact of such a loss.

That’s because it is being incorrectly advised by the very body ministers rely upon – the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC). The committee has failed to acknowledge up-to-date, highly regarded, peer reviewed research. The result is that UK policy is based on the UK NSC’s gross underestimate of the number of young sudden cardiac deaths and its subsequent failure to recommend a national screening programme.

The charity Cardiac Risk in the Young is campaigning to give a voice to all those we have lost – and in doing so to also give our Government a true picture of what is happening. We’d then like to see a comprehensive review of the evidence and for them to establish a national strategy for the prevention of young sudden cardiac death.

If you are a UK resident or national and have suffered a tragedy in your family, please help us. By joining this campaign and answering the following questions about the person in your family who has died, we can work together to ensure that the UK Government is made aware of the true extent of the tragedy.